Hall Committee
There are currently 6 Trustees on the Village Hall Committee. Trustees are elected on a yearly basis at the Annual General Meeting. Trustees can stand for a few years and the membership reflects village hall user groups and particular skills. If you would like to become a committee member, have any questions or would like something raised at a future meeting please contact the Committee Secretary.
Here you will find our Articles of Association with the charity Commision
There is also a fantastic bunch of willing volunteers who come together to help with events and fundraising.
Simon Baker | Chair (& Fundraising) |
Fiona Kidd | Treasurer |
Hilary Tuppen | Secretary (secretary@cornworthyvillagehall.uk) |
David Bailey | Committee Member (Parish Council) |
David Carver | Committee Member (Maintenance) |
Jill Reid | Committee Member (Parochial Church Council) |
AGM Minutes
Routine meetings minutes
Financial summary 2016 – 2022
Financial Summary