
The Village Hall in Cornworthy is located at the top of Cornworthy village, next to the village church. There is also a smaller Meeting Room, and a well equipped kitchen.
The hall has been at the centre of village social events for many years, hosting parties, pie nights, ceilidh,  fundraisers and many private functions. It is also home to regular sports activities in the village including table tennis & badminton.The hall is also the historical home for the  Cornworthy Parish Council.

The Hall and its facilities can be booked for events by members of village and by other members of the public.  Please email booking@cornworthyvillagehall.uk to make an enquiry.

Equipment used and stored in the hall can also be hired for events elsewhere. You will find related hire costs below.

The Main Hall
Main Hall

A large, well-lit and airy space approximately 48ft x 21ft. Wood floor. Suitable for most indoor sports, parties and functions.

The Meeting Room

The meeting room is approximately 14ft x 8ft. There is a 7ft x 3ft table. Useful for meetings for up to about 10 people, and other activities requiring a smaller space.

Hall & Meeting Room Bookings


  • Mon – Fri 8.00am – 12.00 midnight
  • Sat 8.00am – 11.45pm
  • Sun 8.00am – 10.30pm
  • Extensions to be obtained from South Hams D.C. by the hirer.

Please note our licence limits numbers in the Hall to 100 persons (70 seated)

Any event in the Hall must be booked by someone aged 21 or over, who must be present throughout the use of the Hall.

Please view our Condition of Hire for more information.

Booking the Hall includes use of the equipment in the Hall, (it does not include use of sports equipment).


The Hall / Meeting Room can also be used on an ad-hoc basis by parishioners for personal use – no advance bookings.

Any organisation or individual can apply to the Village Hall Committee for a reduction or waiver of charges. This must be done before the event, and can only be approved at a Village Hall Committee meeting.

A refundable deposit against damage or loss is payable when the Main Hall or Meeting Room is hired: £40.00

Lighting is included, all other electricity, including heating, has to be paid for using a card meter.
Electricity cards are available from the booking secretary – each: £1.00

Use of equipment is included when the Hall or Meeting Room are hired.

Equipment may also be hired for use outside the Hall.
Please note that the upholstered chairs (pictured below) are for use in the Hall only.  Orange plastic stacking chairs are available for hire outside the Hall.

Period of hire is 24 hours. All Prices include VAT.

16 Folding tables £3.00 each
2 Folding tables £2.00 each
80 Stacking chairs £0.50 each

Crockery & Cutlery are also available, we invite donations for their use outside the Hall.


  • Urn
  • Teapot
  • Large Plates (50)
  • Small Plates (50)
  • Bowls (50)
  • Mugs (50)
  • Cutlery for 50

A refundable deposit is payable when any equipment is used outside the hall – £25.00


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