Cornworthy Village Halls maintenance and improvement program is funded through grants, fundraising and endowments.
The Committee is currently implementing an ongoing schedule of works which include both maintenance and improvements.
The total cost of the schedule of works over the next 5 years will amount to in excess of £130,000. In 2023 we launched a fundraising appeal and have to date secured over £37,000 in donations and grants. Taken together with available reserves, the total funds secured for renovations and improvements amount to in excess of £57,000. We shall shortly be launching a second funding appeal but in the meantime, if you wish to make a donation please contact the Chair of the committee Simon Baker or the Secretary Hilary Tuppen at
Become a Friend of Cornworthy Village Hall
Individuals and Not-for-profit organisations in the parish can now become Friends of Cornworthy Village Hall.
This benefits the Hall in many ways:
• in showing support for the Hall
• in bringing in revenue at the beginning of the year which helps with planning and everyday running costs.
When you or your organisation becomes a Friend
• the cost is £50 per year
• it runs from the 1st Jan to 31st December each year
• there are some reductions in hall hire prices
New hire rates for 2024:
• the Hall £14/hour | £7/hour for Friends
• the Meeting Room £7/hour | £4/hour for Friends
• events £60
• children’s parties £30
To find out more, or become a Friend, call the Hall bookings secretary
on 01803 732081, or email